The Book
This is the story of a young man and his friend that involved in an unusual mission and dangerous mission. The story involved our main character’s friend’s cousin Alois Dorman in Germany, and Alois is in a bind. It’s 1933 and the Nazis are up to no good. The Nazis are forcing Alois to start working on a project with disastrous repercussions. Alois calls on his cousin Alex and Alex’s best friend Manny Guzman in Paraguay. Alois needed their help desperately so he could get a copy of the project in the right hands. Will Alois succeed? You’ll have to read to find out.

Reader’s Perspective

Frankfurt Buchmesse 2024

“Journey to the Prize” by Karl Peterson was displayed at the 2024 Frankfurter Buchmesse – Book Gallery
The world’s largest bookfair, Frankfurter Buchmesse, opened its doors last October 16-20, 2024, in Frankfurt, Germany. For worldwide business and trading, it is regarded as the most significant book fair on earth. More than 4,300 exhibitors and an expected 114,000 trade visitors from 131 countries, welcoming rights professionals from a total of 355 agencies and publishers make the Frankfurt Book Fair a place of endless discoveries. On the stages we experienced exciting international voices…
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